Lenox Hill Dental Surgery
There are several reasons why a patient may need to have a bone grafting procedure. Bone grafting is a treatment that is provided at our periodontal and dental implant practice, Mitchell Bloom. Our expert dentist, Dr. Mitchell J. Bloom, can provide bone grafting
Lenox Hill dental surgery to make your jawbone thicker and healthier so that you can get dental implants, or simply look better after some type of trauma has occurred to your jawbone.
Today, bone grafting has become a popular procedure due to the steady increase of patients getting dental implants. Dental implants are a very popular tooth replacement solution since they look, feel, and function just like permanent teeth. However, if a patient has a jawbone that is not thick enough to withstand the dental implant procedure, or to a lower dental implant root to fully fuse to it, the patient may be told that they are not a good candidate for the dental implant procedure. However, with bone grafting Lenox Hill dental surgery, the patient can probably become an excellent candidate for getting dental implants. When a tooth is lost or extracted, the bone where the tooth was will resorb. This can leave a jawbone that is too narrow or weak to successfully hold a dental implant. When the jawbone is affected in this way, it can also affect the way a patient looks, giving them a less youthful and sunken facial appearance. When a patient has a bone grafting procedure at our office, the height and width of the jawbone will be made sufficient enough to hold dental implants, or to fix the damaged jawbone. Our dentist will actually be able to stimulate bone growth in those areas on the jawbone that have insufficient depth, making the jawbone healthy again.
For an appointment to meet with our dentist regarding getting bone grafting
Lenox Hill dental surgery, and to learn more about getting dental implants at our office, contact us today.
By Mitchell J. Bloom, DMD, PC
July 12, 2017
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